

这是本页的一个历史版本,由RalfX留言 | 贡献2010年5月21日 (五) 18:22编辑。这可能和当前版本存在着巨大的差异。


英語Cannon fodder源於饲料,牲畜的糧食,暗喻士兵是敵方大砲下的餌食。



  • 被遺棄的希望, the initial wave of troops attacking a fortress or other strongpoint, who usually took terrible casualties.
  • Redshirt, a character whose sole purpose is to die violently soon after being introduced. This term was originally used to describe the red-shirted security personnel of the original Star Trek series.
  • Mook, from mook jung (Cantonese for "dead wood" or "wooden dummy") - the same but on the baddies' side.
  • 替罪羔羊, a metaphorical reference for a person who has little if any chance of surviving an upcoming challenge, but seeks to sacrifice him or herself for the common good.
  • 肉盾, informal and often derogatory expression for someone put forth to absorb an attack or shelter another, such as a hostage held to block bullets.
  • 刑罰部隊
  • 邪惡射手原則(突擊兵效應)
  • 神風特攻隊
